Your Executive Team
2022 / 2023

Ahona Sanyal
Ahona Sanyal is a fourth-year dramatic arts and education student, and an all-time winner of hearts. As this years President, Ahona intends to use her position to uphold the integrity of the club while further evolving MTS to its best version. Clear and consistent communication between the executive team and members is a primary focus for Ahona; she is eager to be involved in the conversation and to keep it going. Valuing the community that MTS creates, Ahona is looking forward to returning to the club space and connecting with members, old and new.
Maddie McKee
Vice President / Artistic Director
Maddie is in her second year at the University of Lethbridge, majoring in drama and education. She has always been an avid musical theatre fan, and has performed in theatrical productions throughout Airdrie, Calgary, and Lethbridge. She has 6 years of vocal training, 10 years acting experience, and has recently been delving into the world of tech. Maddie is excited for what this year will bring! She is also an RA this year, so keep an eye out for her at ORS events!

Celine Man
Member at Large
Celine is a 2nd year drama student, who is very stoked for the year ahead. Celine may be found talking to people on the fourth floor which she thinks is quite fun, or just casually sitting down elsewhere. She is so excited to be this year’s Member At Large and is ready to help make an excellent space. She’s ready to bring the energy every Friday meeting, and usually is pretty energetic, even though she doesn’t like coffee or do yoga. She hopes to be someone the members of mts can rely on for anything, whether its questions about the club or just questions in general! She is ready to help people, and ready to help build a great environment for mts!
Achilles Friesen
Music Director / Social Media Coordinator
Achilles Friesen is a fourth-year drama and philosophy student whose laughter can be commonly heard ringing loudly through the halls of the fourth floor. As Music Director, Achilles is motivated to help everyone find confidence in their voice, and help redefine gender constructs and stereotypes within the realm of Musical Theatre. Stepping away from the idea of 'male' vs 'female' voices, Achilles is excited to bring more gender-neutral terms into our musical theatre vocabulary, and help members prepare their voices for any character they feel a connection with, not just the ones they’re told they can play. You can hear more from Achilles through their posts on our MTS instagram, or from their updates and responses on our brand new website!

Tatyanna Stoesz
Dance Director
Meet Tatyanna!
Tatyanna is a third year Bachelor of Education/ Arts student majoring in dramatic arts! This is Tatyanna's second year with MTS and she can't be more excited to be your dance director this year!
Tatyanna has been dancing since she was 3 years old, and she has grown to become a classically trained dancer. She has worked in tap, jazz, ballet, lyrical, contemporary, and pointe. Tatyanna was also the student choreographer for her grade 12 musical, but her role for MTS will be the most exciting role by far!
Tatyanna cannot wait to meet you all and see you shine!